Tuesday, January 18, 2011

NYC Personal Trainer : Working Out With a Cold

According to nyc personal trainer the general rule is that if the discomfort is above your neck (a head cold), you can work out. But we’re talking moderate activity levels here. Intense activity, such as high-impact cardio or weight lifting, has been shown to weaken the immune system and have a negative impact on your body’s ability to fight a cold or infection. If you’re sick below the neck (respiratory infections) you’d be better off just staying in bed.
Here’s an excerpt from an article written by a Navy Seals Trainer
But back to the question. The rule is: If your chest is congested, you have a fever, chills, dehydrated, or any other cold ailment from the neck down, DO NOT WORKOUT. Chest congestion and any type of exercise do not mix well. Aerobic or anaerobic activity can overwork your heart and can cause your chest cold to develop into a bronchitis or pneumonia. Lifting weights can naturally increase blood pressure. Combined with over working your heart, you can really cause damage if not careful when exercising while ill. Plus — you don’t want to bring your germs to the gym either.
However, if you have a head cold with minor sinus pain, sniffles, sneezing, etc., it is fine to workout as long as you have a normal energy level and are not feeling sluggish. Be careful not to overdo your activity with high-intensity workouts. You need to drop your intensity level a bit because your body is using energy to fight whatever it is that’s making you feel ill. Keep hydrated by drinking 3-4 quarts of water a day and eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. This will enable your body to fight off the “bug” causing your symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. This is a tough call. if you have a cold sometimes it helps your beat the cold by working out. in other cases, your body needs to rest. consult with your nyc personal trainer to decide if working out during a cold is the best option. i don't like to workout when i feel like i have a cold in my chest.
